The narrative depicts Aladdin, a young thief who finds a magic lamp and becomes friends with Genie, who is released from its captivity. Together, they endeavor to prevent the evil Jafar from ...
The musical brings the audience to the bustling desert town of Agrabah ... Surprisingly enough, Freeman actually voiced Jafar in the Aladdin franchise, and brought his version of infamous villain to ...
But, because he must obey the genie's law and not kill on his own, Jafar uses his rescuer as a tool of revenge against his wrongdoers. Aladdin, Jafar's primary target, is now a royal advisor. He ...
Travel back to the mystical kingdom of Agrabah, where the continuing adventures of Aladdin will delight you as never before! This dazzling 2--Movie ...Collection presents the next thrilling chapters ...