You may even be aware that older people tend to need to get up more often at night to pee ― that too has “normal” ranges ... advises checking your cholesterol levels if you have not had ...
Taking drugs like statins lowers levels of the 'silent killer' but people can change their lifestyle too to have an impact ...
Seniors whose cholesterol levels spike and plummet year-to-year could be at increased risk of dementia and failing brain ...
Could changes in cholesterol be a warning sign of dementia? A new study suggests that older adults whose cholesterol ...
An adult man developed yellowish nodules after following a strict carnivore diet for eight months, a trio of US cardiologists ...
A study published in Neurology found that older adults with fluctuating cholesterol levels have a higher risk of developing ...
Older adults whose cholesterol changes over time may be more likely to develop dementia than people whose cholesterol is ...
According to health information site Medical News Today, gender matters too ― men tend to have higher cholesterol on average, until menopause, when women’s levels can rise significantly.
According to health information site Medical News Today, gender matters too ― men tend to have higher cholesterol on average, until menopause, when women’s levels can rise significantly. The National ...
Older adults with shifts in cholesterol levels over time may be more apt to develop dementia compared to those with stable levels regardless of the actual cholesterol levels, according to a study ...