Explore the real-life inspirations behind legendary creatures like mermaids, Kraken, Pouakai, dragons, unicorns, and Roc. These mythical beings may have roots in actual animals like manatees, giant ...
Originating in Scandinavian folklore, the kraken is usually depicted as an aggressive cephalopod-like creature capable of destroying entire ships and dragging sailors to their doom. 'Many cultures ...
In Japan and throughout the world, snakes are prominent characters in mythology, from menacing creatures to guardian deities to awe-inspiring symbols of transformation and rebirth. The earliest ...
Namazu, Bubak, Nguruvilu, Aker, Psoglav, Calygreyhound, Manananggal, Red Ghost, and Suanni offer rich storytelling opportunities. Include these mythical creatures in D&D campaigns for unique ...