This is the heartwarming moment a fisherman and his wife released a shark ray back into the sea. Annop Nuamsiri and his partner, Piyachat Pomcharoensuk, accidentally caught a widenose guitarfish in ...
The Greenland shark is the largest living fish in the world ... distinct lineage and they can live up to 100 years long. These animals are endemic to New Zealand, they live more than women.
Goblin Shark—Looks As Though It Swam Right ... mucus-coated “dumplings” and consumed. These deep sea marvels exemplify the animal world’s desire to survive, even in the harshest conditions ...
said that the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba attract sharks due to them being very deep and generally steep-sided. He explained: 'This brings pelagic animals (sharks) that typically live off -shore ...