Actor Nikhil Siddhartha and his wife, Dr Pallavi Varma, welcomed their first child. Pallavi gave birth to a baby boy at a private hospital in Hyderabad on Wednesday. Both the mother and child are ...
The birthday of the historical Buddha celebrates the birth of the child who became Prince Siddhartha around the end of the 4th century BC. This is a holy occasion for all Buddhists, but is ...
Siddhartha’s father Śuddhodana wanted his son to become the political ruler predicted at his birth. So he conspired to protect his son from any religious aspirations by giving him a life of ...
It commemorates the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama ... Gautama’s enlightenment is commemorated along with his birth and death during the Vesak festival celebrated in April or May.
Siddhartha was born on the border between India and Nepal. He was born into a privileged family, who were considered a ruling family. Birth - Buddhist teachings say that his mother, Queen Maya ...