2003). The similarities between the living African apes were thought to have been inherited from a common ancestor (=primitive features), implying that the earliest hominins and our last common ...
This is an extract from Our Human Story, our newsletter about the revolution in archaeology. Sign up to receive it in your inbox every month. So, volcanoes are scary. I have vivid memories of ...
Research reveals new evidence of early hominin activity in Europe, suggesting that hominins were present on the continent far earlier than previously thought. Research led by Ohio University ...
In the relentless search to know how the ancestors of humans spread across the world, the latest evidence has revealed that hominins were in Europe at least 1.95 million years ago. Clues on their ...
Although chimpanzees choose stone types for nut-cracking for distinctly different reasons to hominins in the past, the degree of selectivity and the mechanisms used for identifying appropriate ...
The first hominins to have split off from the other great apes were believed to be limited to less hostile ecosystems, such as forest, grasslands and wetlands. One of the world's most important ...
A study published in PLOS ONE investigates how early hominins in Ethiopia ... examines how early humans selected and used various types of rocks as percussive tools. The findings shed light ...
A study published in PLOS ONE investigates how early hominins in Ethiopia, between 1.6- 1.0 million years ago, selected rocks for toolmaking, ...