Well, any of us who has ever looked through a telescope could say the same, for the two principal types in use today were developed by giants: the refractor by Galileo and the reflector by Newton.
The original instrument to occupy the 25-foot diameter dome was the 10.5-inch Bausch refracting telescope (f/15.5) installed in the brand new observatory in 1953. Bausch & Lomb Company gave the ...
It was soon realized that what was to become known as chromatic aberration was a limiting factor in refracting telescopes, and that this could be overcome by making lenses with longer focal length ...
However, in most cases, such an advertised magnification is well beyond the practical maximum magnification of the telescope. A 2.4-inch refracting telescope, for example, should never use more ...
The star diagonal fits into the telescope's focuser, and the eyepiece fits into the star diagonal. Most manufacturers that provide complete refractor telescopes include a star diagonal.
McKim Observatory still houses many of its original instruments, including a 9.53 inch Clark Refractor telescope, a meridian transit telescope, and a gravity driven chronograph. Missing from the early ...