Drama, dreams: Japan's wildly popular school football breeds future stars Japan's national high school football tournament is thriving after more than 100 years, attracting huge crowds ...
"Japanese people love that kind of drama more than they think about the quality of the football," said Enomoto, even though the standard remains undoubtedly high. School sides still hold their own ...
"Japanese people love that kind of drama more than they think about the quality of the football," said Enomoto, even though the standard remains undoubtedly high. School sides still hold their own ...
"Japanese people love that kind of drama more than they think about the quality of the soccer," said Enomoto, even though the standard remains undoubtedly high. School sides still hold their own ...
An inner-city high school becomes the testing ground for an intrusive new security system in Happyend, the debut feature from Japanese-American filmmaker Neo Sora. Through the prism of this ...