HARARE, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's current visit to Africa is a demonstration of the strong and deep-rooted bond between China and Africa, a Zimbabwean expert said Wednesday ...
Staring from Dec. 1, 2024, China began to give all the least developed countries with which it has diplomatic relations zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines, including 33 African ...
AliExpress, Alibaba’s cross-border e-commerce platform, has announced plans to extend its local currency payment options in Africa. Following the introduction of mobile payment systems like M-Pesa in ...
“AUTOEXPO AFRICA”在肯尼亚内罗毕国际展览中心(KICC)每年举办一届,目前已成功举办了25届。25年来,AUTOEXPO AFRICA已被全球制造商和出口商选为进入千年非洲市场的精确平台。肯雅塔国际会议中心(KICC)位于内罗毕的中心,是非洲地区最首要的国际展览场地。
El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Wang Yi, quien se encuentra de visita en África, señaló que China apoya el ...
Leonardo e BF Spa siglano un accordo per integrare il progetto "Smart Agriculture" nel Piano Mattei per l'Africa. Obiettivo: ...
肯媒《商业日报》1月6日报,根据南非DealMakers Africa杂志对非洲大陆交易的回顾,2024年前9个月肯尼亚达成的并购交易数量为47笔,与去年同期的71笔相比,下降51%,这些并购覆盖农业和金融科技 (fintech) 领域。尽管并购交易量下降,但价值仍达 670 亿先令。