Lead pollution in the Aegean Sea region may have begun around 5,200 years ago, according to a paper published in Communications Earth & ...
The remains of the deceased found in the burials may be more than 2,000 years old, according to archaeologists.
Archaeologists working on the site of an old convent’s garden in Dijon, France, have discovered a strange group of Gallic graves and a children’s necropolis dating back over 2,000 years.
The Central Archaeological Council of Greece unanimously approved the restoration of the Kladios Baths in Ancient Olympia, according to Newsbomb. The approval includes the architectural preliminary ...
The beads were identified as amber, something that was not common in Syria during the Iron Age and originated from the Baltic ...
His championing of radiocarbon dating and other new scientific approaches demonstrated the untenability of the conventional ...
Archaeologists in Luxembourg have unearthed a stash of Roman gold coins dating back some 1,600 years. The coins are marked ...
Among these are the Covesea Caves – near Inverness – which contain some of the most enigmatic archaeological sites ... community—evidence of ancient mummification practices in Britain.
Alexander the Great is one of the most famous generals of the ancient world. By the age of 32 he had conquered a massive empire that stretched from the Balkans to modern-day Pakistan. We know about ...
City Council received a presentation on Thursday evening, discussing the lengthy history of human occupation in the Moose Jaw ...
Recent scientific reevaluations of remains have historians rethinking the prevalence of women fighters throughout history.
Archaeologists uncovered a boundary stone, used to mark land borders during the Roman Empire, dated to a period during which ...