Keerthi Pandian, the younger daughter of veteran actor-producer Arun Pandian, is making a strong impact in Kollywood for several reasons. A trained actress, she proved her talent with the critically ...
Director and producer Jayamurugan passed away following a heart attack, causing immense sorrow in the film industry. Notable ...
After a successful career in the film industry, Jayamurugan retired and lived with his family in Tiruppur. Yesterday, he ...
Former Bigg Boss Tamil 8 contestants Arun, Vishal, and Anshitha reunite for an off-screen gathering with Sathya and his wife, singer Ramya. The reunion showcases the strong bonds formed during ...
As the battle for the coveted Bigg Boss trophy intensifies, Arun’s dramatic departure serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and high-stakes nature of the show. Bigg Boss Tamil 8 promises ...
Three arrested for defacing B.R. Ambedkar's image in Nekkunthi village, leading to tension and protests on highway.