Logitech has unveiled an “all-in-one” mobile conferencing device, the Rally Board 65. The 65-inch touchscreen device can be quickly set up in Android, PC or BYOD (bring your own device) mode and is ...
The other day, Suzette Hall received a frantic call from sanitation workers at an oceanside recycling center in San Pedro, California. While sorting through heaps of discarded items, the workers ...
For beginners new to home security, all-in-one security systems can be an ideal surveillance option. Traditional security systems with DVRs, NVRs, and hardwired PoE/WiFi cameras often require ...
CNET has been covering the smart home space since even before the first Amazon Echo smart speaker launched over a decade ago. Whether it is lightbulbs and speakers or video doorbells and security ...
The most notable thing here is that the Eufy SoloCam S220 has a built-in solar panel that only needs 3 hours of sunlight for all-day operation. That means no need to hook it up to wiring and no need ...