Insights from Toras Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe's father, presented by Shliach Rabbi Dovid Dubov of New Jersey, for Parshas Va'era: Meaning and shape of the letter vov.
With the Jewish Museum in Berlin, opened in 2001, Libeskind established himself as a pioneer of deconstructivism, a style based on the illusion that buildings were lifting off, bursting, imploding, or ...
A postwar epic about a Holocaust survivor, a contemporary comedy about Holocaust tourism and a biopic of a Jewish musical legend helped lend a formidable Jewish presence to this year’s Oscar ...
Temple Beth El of Boca Raton welcomes guest scholar Andrew Rehfeld, Ph.D., President of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion,to their Friday, February 14 Shabbat Service at 7:30 pm at ...