I live in a very old cottage with no damp proof course. And no damp at all inside. So it works. I've always needed fresh air. Glad I'm doing something right." Despite the overwhelming support for ...
But there’s a new trend making waves: "Damp January." This approach involves reducing alcohol consumption rather than cutting it out entirely, offering a more achievable goal for those hesitant ...
I live in a very old cottage with no damp proof course. And no damp at all inside. So it works. I've always needed fresh air. Glad I'm doing something right." The post was shared by Which?
And winter-proofing your home is an effective way to ... Leaves, twigs, moss and other debris can lead to blocked gutters, which may cause damp in your home if water runs down the exterior wall ...
If you want to know what short courses with badges and certificates you can take for free (or almost free using Coursera's financial aid), you can check out: AI Foundations (IBM SkillsBuild ...