A new installment of the Amos Parisman mysteries is out. In this book, L.A.’s “oldest and most unconventional Jewish gumshoe” Parisman has to track down the fate of a historic Torah scroll that’s been ...
While the commentaries analyze each miracle on its own, the overall thrust of the presentation seems to be that G-d showed an added level of care for the continual functioning of the Temple.
Avayu, 55, explained that each book of the Torah takes him about two years to ... he gave the example of Moses at Mount Sinai. In Exodus 3:5, God tells Moses to take off his shoes because ...
The universe is impressive on two levels: the macro and the micro. Its sheer size, even of the relatively small amount we know, is massive. Within just our planet, the number and diversity of creation ...
The Torah too is claimed by many Muslims to be filled with Tahrif; but Jews say that there are 70 different way of understanding God’s words and the differences are enlightening, and not falsifying.
[S&W, p. OT 432] By the time of Christ, all Jews accepted the five Books of Moses - the Torah - as Scripture; however, Books, like Esther and Ecclesiastes, were debated. From the Dead Sea Scrolls ...