Asura, a Japanese drama series that revolves around the lives of four sisters whose father's extramarital affair throws their family dynamics into disarray, recently premiered on Netflix. Here are 8 ...
Membership (fee-based) Kimi Evans is a meteorologist and former TV news personality in L.A., San Diego, and Hawaii. Owner of Honor Pilates. Read Kimi Evans’ full executive profile here.
A weekly Japanese drama and adaptation of the manga Sozoku Tantei is coming to Netflix in February 2025! Starring Zom 100 and Kamen Rider star Akaso Eiji, here’s everything we know about Inheritance ...
Based on Kyoko Nakajima’s novel ‘Nagai Owakare’, Japanese drama A Long Goodbye tells the story of Shohei (Tsutomu Yamazaki), a 70-year-old retired principal. His daughters, Fumi (an aspiring ...
An inner-city high school becomes the testing ground for an intrusive new security system in Happyend, the debut feature from Japanese-American filmmaker Neo Sora. Through the prism of this ...
Recently, there’s been a growing trend in Japan to adapt popular Korean dramas. These remakes stay true to the original stories while making adjustments to better connect with Japanese viewers.
The Brackley-based team signed its former race driver Valtteri Bottas as its reserve driver for this season, with rookie driver Kimi Antonelli making his debut in Formula 1 with Mercedes.
Even legendary samurai and "rakugoka" comedic storytellers on Japanese TV are bowing to the ... affected shooting and the airing schedules of dramas. Japan Broadcasting Corp.
Here is our guide to the best ITV dramas available to stream right now on ITVX including how many episodes there ... Nolan is sent back to China to face charges and is accompanied by DC Hana Li (Jing ...