Based on Kyoko Nakajima’s novel ‘Nagai Owakare’, Japanese drama A Long Goodbye tells the story of Shohei (Tsutomu Yamazaki), a 70-year-old retired principal. His daughters, Fumi (an aspiring ...
1. Peel the turnips, grate and drain off the excess moisture. Remove the thin strings from the snow peas and cut diagonally into thin strips. Parboil briefly in salted water, then plunge into ice ...
British-Chinese author’s hopes for her A to Z of Chinese food In An A to Z of Chinese Food (Recipes Not Included), London writer Jenny Lau picks apart food clichés to explore what it means to ...
Gekko Restaurant is thrilled to share that the renowned food blogger Iryna Shoturma, the creative force behind the popular Yummy Food Blog, has once again captivated her audience with an exciting ...
“Small, Slow but Steady,” a drama inspired by the life of a former professional boxer with hearing disabilities, was named best Japanese film in 2022 by leading entertainment magazine Kinema Junp ...