Based on Kyoko Nakajima’s novel ‘Nagai Owakare’, Japanese drama A Long Goodbye tells the story of Shohei (Tsutomu Yamazaki), a 70-year-old retired principal. His daughters, Fumi (an aspiring ...
Performances in N.Y.C. Advertisement Supported by Once used to frequent rejection letters, Blue has become a regular on major stages and is singing the title role in “Aida” at the Metropolitan ...
The designer of the new title sequence for season two of Apple TV+ hit "Severance," has detailed the many clues and hints in the sequence — even though he doesn't know what they mean either.
Editor’s Note: The working title for the K-drama was Can This Love Be Translated, it has now received the official title of Love in Translation. “Joo Ho-jin, a talented multilingual interpreter, finds ...
Ju Ji Hoon may join South Korea's beloved stars Lee Jong Suk and Sin Min Ah for their first on-screen pairing in the fantasy K-drama. Based on the popular web novel The Remarried Empress ...
(Note: Netflix sometimes removes titles without ... of USA Network’s “blue sky” era — when the channel counterprogrammed its competitors’ heavy prestige dramas with snappy shows set ...