Discovery’s beloved program will remain onboard. The renowned studio show is anchored by its dynamic team: Kenny Smith, Shaquille O’Neal, Charles Barkley, and Ernie Johnson. According to Alex ...
It appears Shaquille O'Neal and Kenny Smith are returning to TNT for another NBA season. According to CNBC, both are expected back on Inside the NBA next year Here's what the report read ...
Kenny Smith added that Butler had already accepted the financial benefits of his contract, which included this season and the next, making his no-show unacceptable. Ernie Johnson, typically the ...
Behind the scenes, the news didn’t stop Shaquille O’Neal, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley from talking to NBC and Amazon, according to people familiar with the matter. O’Neal’s contract ...
But, rest assured NBA fans, O’Neal and Smith are coming back. Both are on the verge of re-signing with TNT Sports, CNBC has learned. O’Neal will sign a five-year contract.
Jimmy Butler’s antics to get out of Miami recently caused a heated debate on Inside the NBA. While discussing his actions in the last few weeks, Shaquille O’Neal seemed to be siding with the Heat star ...
Despite bids to join the new in-studio teams for NBA coverage from NBC Sports and Amazon, Shaquille O'Neal and Kenny Smith are reportedly close to re-signing with TNT. Smith, O'Neal, Charles ...