Pull-up bars and racks are the missing tool in your home workout arsenal, especially when it comes to hitting your back muscles. Here's our pick of the best.
from what a perfect pull-up looks like, to the muscles you’ll be developing while performing them, to how to scale the move so anyone can do it. Plus, how to progress. 'I always teach people to ...
You can still make muscle gains without working through the full range of motion for pull-ups (and other exercises, too), according to exercise physiologist and strength training coach Dr.
Pull-ups, lat pull-downs and bent-over rows hit ... gym— such as leg curls and leg press— allow the major leg muscles to be worked to failure without minimal requirement for upper body ...
Of any calisthenics exercise, pull-ups are the most difficult to perform and see improvements without significant time and effort. Your pulling muscles (biceps, latissimus dorsi, rear deltoids ...