Nagavara Ramarao Narayana Murthy, a renowned Indian businessman, is celebrated as the co-founder of Infosys, one of India’s largest and most successful IT services firms. As of now, his net worth ...
MY first wish as I watched my coin sinking into the water is that Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali be given another five-year term to complete a truly great legacy. If ...
The failure on grooming gangs that has suddenly received a new wave of attention isn’t a failure of multiculturalism; it is a failure to tackle an epidemic of violence against women and girls, write J ...
During his time as general secretary, Lynch became synonymous with the rail strikes, often clashing with the Conservative government led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Lynch, 63, has led the RMT since ...
A task force set up to address grooming gangs in April 2023 by then prime minister Rishi Sunak arrested over 550 suspects in its first year of operation ... The claims linking the crime to the ...