It will be followed by chanting of six lakh Shri Ram Mantra along with the recitation of the Ram Raksha Stotra and Hanuman Chalisa. A Ram Katha has also been planned at the 'Angad Tila' inside the ...
Best Shri Ram Quotes: Lord Rama is the central figure in Hinduism which symbolizes an embodiment of virtue and righteousness. The seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, Rama showcases unwavering devotion ...
Ramnagari witnessed an overwhelming influx of devotees on Wednesday, the first anniversary of Shri Ram Lala’s enshrinement as per English calendar, as thousands braved dense fog and biting cold to ...
Agnihotri ceremonies accompanied by Shukla Yajurveda mantras, mass chanting of Shri Ram Mantras, and recitations of the Ram Raksha Stotra and Hanuman Chalisa define the events of the day.