Aa Aa Aa Tropical forests are highly diverse ecosystems located ... than 12% of annual global carbon dioxide emissions (van der Werf et al. 2009). Although large areas of tropical forest have ...
For tropical forests to survive, governments must develop realistic scenarios for future deforestation that take into account what scientists already know about the causes and consequences of ...
Tropical rainforests lie along the equator, mainly between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Rainforests have four main layers: the emergent, the canopy, the under canopy and the forest floor.
3 Therefore, any realistic plan to sufficiently reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming from reaching catastrophic levels must include eliminating the loss of tropical forests within ...
Recent work has suggested that tropical forest and savanna represent alternative stable states, which are subject to drastic switches at tipping points, in response to changes in rainfall patterns and ...
Agricultural land covers almost 40% of Earth’s ice-free surface. To keep pace with a growing global population, that use of land is expected to expand further, putting pressure on vulnerable tropical ...
Forest degradation occurs when forest ecosystems lose their capacity to provide important goods and services to people and nature. Over half of the tropical forests worldwide have been destroyed since ...