1-main.cpp:: The first file that is compiled and is basically used for mode selection and calling sub-functions. This enables users selection of a 2D window or 3D window. *This also the point where we ...
Apart from the best-in-class hardware, 3D Systems also have some content creation software including Geomagic Design X, Geomagic Control X, Geomagic Freeform, Cimatron, and GibbsCAM. Let’s check out ...
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining significantly benefits from 3D modeling software, which is a crucial tool for these operations. This software facilitates the process for engineers and ...
If you are an electrical engineer, you know how complex and challenging your projects can be. You have to design, test, and optimize circuits, components, and systems that meet the specifications ...
The printer is controlled via mirco controllers and Repetier-Host, a highly flexible open software package. It was developed by the Mechanical Engineering Department and donated to the Civil & ...
Researchers have developed an app that will greatly reduce the immense waste created during the production of clothing.