In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the nominations to the 97th Academy Awards have been announced, and Canadian stories and artists ...
Robert Pattinson responds to the people coming to him with Twilight references. The actor revealed that while he is elated, he also looks at the project as history.
With the best Netflix movies, you may never have to leave the house. They'll provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, whether you're in the mood for action, comedy, thrills, romance ...
So if you’re looking to hang out with these creatures of the night, check out this list of the best vampire ... Netflix original is an easy option. There is a lot of queer subtext that the movie ...
So if you’re looking to hang out with these creatures of the night, check out this list of the best vampire movies and TV shows! (Sorry Twilight fans, you didn’t make the cut.) For a performer ...