Nashik: The Nashik city police organised a CCTV exhibition at City Centre Mall, featuring various CCTV cameras on Friday.
Canandaigua City Council will vote on Jan. 27 to potentially approve a $105,325.75 bid for installing 13 to 15 police ...
The new contract approve by the Oroville City Council, which will cost the city of Oroville around $37,000 for a full year, ...
Tonight, the Oroville City Council will vote on whether to continue using a 24-hour surveillance camera trailer in high-crime ...
It’s only a matter of time before we’ll be using these cameras there to piece things together, whether it’s a simple accident ...
Harrisburg Police Lt. Kyle Gautsch said the city had received a handful of brand-new cameras and plans to use several grants ...
Following a series a burglaries, the City Council approved installing additional security cameras for the off-highway vehicle program facilities at Borax Bill Park but tabled a proposal ...
Due to a lack of information and an undefined scope, city council decided not to move forward with additional video cameras ...
Bollards are being installed, which a city leader says will 'protect against accidental or intentional vehicle-ramming attacks.' ...
The mayor says the system will detect unusual sounds and movements, such as the theft of electrical cables which took place ...
Budget25: 'Managing individual camera systems installed around the downtown core and on traffic light infrastructure would be ...
Pune: Police will install 2,886 CCTV cameras to improve surveillance in the city and the newly merged areas. "These cameras will be in addition to the already existing 1,400 cameras, which were ...