The Majestic Bastille, an independent movie theater in Paris, recently opened their doors to humans and their dogs. The first film to welcome furry friends? Lady and the Tramp. And after the film, the ...
The horrifying moment a woman 'hit a female cop in the face' and left her crying in the corner of a train carriage has been captured on camera. Officers attempted to restrain the female ...
Barbie and Lady Bird writer-director Greta Gerwig ... The original 2016 animated movie follows bunny police officer Judy Hops, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, who strikes up an unlikely friendship ...
He stated that the lady had hosted a birthday dinner with over 40 guests to celebrate her birthday ... Things escalated rather quickly and the restaurant manager called the police on them. Birthday ...
A notorious armed youth killed a policeman and injured two others during an attempt by members of joint security forces led by the commissioner of Rumbek Centre County to arrest him at noon on ...