"Ruraru-san no Hondana," written and illustrated by Hiroshi Ito (Published by Poplar Publishing Co. Ltd., 2005)Story outlineMr. Ruraru's bookshelf (th・・・ ...
"She's scared to death!" "What, and you're not?" So who are the masks hiding this time? Saban Films has revealed an official trailer for an indie horror feature from the UK ominously titled Everyone ...
Hank Phillippi Ryan's latest novel, 'All This Could Be Yours,' is a thriller based on her own experiences as an author, she tells PEOPLE in an exclusive statement.
In a move that suggests the UK’s antitrust regulator is now more about boosting growth than busting monopolies, Rachel Reeves has sent Marcus Bokkerink packing, leaving us to wonder if the CMA will ...
HOLLY Willoughby and Bear Grylls’ new Netflix survival show was thrown into chaos after a celebrity star nearly drowned. The big budget Bear Hunt series will see survivalist Grylls track ...
Anyone who is owned by a cat knows that odd behavior is “normal” for our furry felines, but this was out of the ordinary even for her. One morning when I entered the kitchen, she emerged from under ...