Our bimonthly newsletter, Community Matters Now, highlights the work of ISU Extension and Outreach Community and Economic Development (CED) to foster thriving, resilient Iowa communities and economies ...
Using a variety of educational deliveries including newsletters, websites, workshops, conferences, consultation, and clinics, our Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) specialists are engaged with ...
The estimated costs of corn, corn silage, soybean, alfalfa, and pasture maintenance in this report are based on data from several sources. They include the annual Iowa Farm Business Association record ...
A growing trend is choosing to go alcohol free at social events and celebrations with drinks called mocktails. Mocktails are cocktails without alcohol. The growing demand for alcohol-free beverages is ...
Cattle producers have two price risk management tools available to them that are offered by the United States Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agency (RMA). Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) ...
Machinery and equipment are major cost items in farm businesses. Larger machines, new technology, higher prices for parts and new machinery, and higher energy prices have all caused machinery and ...
An important aspect of lifetime transitions and estate planning is consideration of the times in life where it is necessary for someone to step into the shoes of another and make decisions on that ...
How much did your farm business earn last year? Was it profitable? There are many ways to answer these questions. A farm income statement (sometimes called a profit and loss statement) is a summary of ...