Nonetheless, the Rock House masterfully blends these disparate influences together to create an unexpected, yet convincing, design solution. The dense and riotous tropical landscape of Coconut Grove affords the home its proper context.
Our professional services include Architecture, Interior Design, Interior Decor and Landscape Design. These services may be combined as part of an Integrated Design strategy or engaged independently. ARCHITECTURE
It goes further by offering an evolutionary design which creatively celebrates the cultural, ecological and physical environment of The Florida Keys. Located on the shores of Key Largo, the house is positioned where a tropical hardwood hammock meets the Atlantic Ocean.
The design of Fairchild Grove advances the residential concepts evident in Strang’s bespoke single-family home and adapts them to a multi-family implementation. Unlike the ubiquitous white condo towers populating Miami’s skyline, the Fairchild Grove incorporates a much warmer material palette that complements the lush landscape of Coconut ...
A daring span creates the perfect condition for an “outdoor living” space situated around the pool. Wooden louvers pick up material cues from the interior and create privacy for the four bedrooms and family room. Minimal and modern, the home offers a bold design to complement its sleek landscaping and surrounding garden.