Ambazonia, alternatively the Federal Republic of Ambazonia or State of Ambazonia, [1] is a political entity [2] proclaimed by Anglophone separatists who are seeking independence from …
The Republic of Ambazonia is a constitutional democracy. The Government is made up of the Executive, Legislature and an independent Judiciary. This Government works for the Great …
The Republic of Ambazonia is the former United Nations Trust Territory of Southern British Cameroons. It is located between Nigeria 🗗 to the west and north, and Cameroun to the east; it …
President (Head of State) of the Republic of Ambazonia: Dr Florentin Fonche. Roles, Entitlements, and Authorities of the Head of State. Constitutional Mediation
Republic of Ambazonia. History; Struggle for Liberation ; The National Anthem; The National Emblem; The National Pledge; The Flag; Counties; Linguistic Map; Relief & Vegetation; Towns …
Working tirelessly to complete the restoration of the independence of Ambazonia and putting in place a solid foundation for the construction of a great nation for our children and their …
The Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia represents the People of the Former British Southern Cameroons and their aspirations as declared on 1st of October 2017: …
Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia is a secessionist state of Cameroon, self-proclamed in its English-speaking regions. De facto, Buea is the capital. It is bordered by …
Federal Republic of Cameroon On 11 and 12 February 1961, two separate plebiscites were administered by the United Nations in the territories of the British Southern and Northern …
Cameroun Republic include the subjection of our people to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; the intolerable humiliation and mortification of the dignity of our people as colonial …