2021年5月17日 · The original kitchen was built over a large underground cistern. Galveston fireman would get their water from there to put out nearby fires. There were two other cisterns, with hand pumps, along with a cellar. Apparently one …
Carl and Hilda Biehl House -
The exterior was designed to be symmetrical and discreet, a change in aesthetics from Victorian design common before the turn of the century. Some unique features include a spacious attic that was used as a gymnasium for the …
The Manahan House - The Historical Marker Database
2015年7月4日 · Greek Revival structure with cistern and chimneys of local handmade brick. Lumber, hardware came by wagon from Galveston. Siding is cypress; interiors of hand-planed heart pine. Unusual smoke spots decorate a …
Historical Marker: Grover-Chambers House
“All outside and interior walls, are brick from Brown’s brick yard, located on the western edge of the City of Galveston and are 16 inches thick, the exterior being covered in concrete, while the interior is od plaster of Paris, with 12 inch, …
Carl and Hilda Biehl House - The Historical Marker …
2017年8月4日 · The construction of the house consisted of brick and concrete to stand up to the hurricanes and strong winds common to Galveston. Korn’s design featured a front veranda, original hardwood floors, oak paneling and moldings, …
San Luis, TX - TSHA
Galveston Monthly - Exploring Your Island Paradise
The 1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance map shows the home with a large side yard, brick cistern, and three smaller out-buildings. Homer was a business associate of Thomas Gonzales (1828-1896), father of Boyer Gonzales (1877-1934), and …
Falstaff Brewery, Galveston Texas -
Cedar Bayou bricks in Galveston | |
2020年4月1日 · Although face brick was imported, nearly all the common brick used in Galveston was locally made and the Galveston wharf reports show that yards on Cedar Bayou provided almost all of that brick. The Galveston Daily …