约 479,000 个结果
  1. Check Your Catheter Coding Skills : Urology Coding - AAPC

    2024年12月20日 · Procedure notes: Patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Spinal anesthesia was still active from his RT TKA, so no local anesthesia was necessary. …

  2. Don't Let Catheter Coding Mistakes Drain Your Reimbursement

    2009年4月13日 · Take a look at these expert tips to ensure you're capturing every catheter procedure dollar your urologist deserves. Choose From 3 Codes for Insertion. When your …

  3. Follow These 4 Tips for Reporting 51701 for Catheter Placement

    2018年11月13日 · Catheter placement is a common-enough procedure for a urologist to perform, but sometimes even the simplest of procedures merit a coding refresher. Consider this your …

  4. Catheter Placement is Critical to Coding Arterial System …

    2010年2月25日 · Selective catheter placement is a catheter placed into (not at or near the origin) a branch off the aorta or the access vessel. Each of these vessels arising from the aorta or …

  5. Arrythmia Type Matters for Most Catheter Ablation Claims : CPT®

    2021年3月2日 · +93655 (Intracardiac catheter ablation of a discrete mechanism of arrhythmia which is distinct from the primary ablated mechanism, including repeat diagnostic maneuvers, …

  6. 93657 Additional linear or focal intracardiac catheter ablation of the left or right atrium for treatment of atrial fibrillation remaining after completion of pulmonary vein isolation (List …

  7. Keep Your Cardiac Cath Coding Compliant - AAPC Knowledge …

    2022年7月1日 · This procedure involves a catheter being threaded through a central intravenous line into the right side of the heart and the arteries leading to the lungs. Although newer …

  8. Coding Electrophysiology Studies and Arrhythmia Ablation

    2018年8月9日 · Report +93655 Intracardiac catheter ablation of a discrete mechanism of arrhythmia which is distinct from the primary ablated mechanism, including repeat diagnostic …

  9. CPT ® 49424, Under Drainage Catheter Procedures - AAPC

    In this procedure, the provider injects a contrast material into an existing drainage catheter. He performs this procedure to more clearly visualize and assess the size, type, and location of the …

  10. Don’t Undercode Complicated Foley Placement : Reader …

    2023年7月13日 · This is more than just a diagnostic study — which you would be code with 52000 (Cystourethroscopy (separate procedure)) and more than just a difficult Foley placement …