2018年11月27日 · Historically, there are several instances of the word spelt with a double-d over a long period.… the carpenter's man had a great iron laddle with which he used to supply the …
2022年7月30日 · From ladle to ladle, From verb to verb. It was verbing/verbification when it was verbed/verbified.The noun ladle was verbed to the verb ladle long time ago, as early as 1525 …
@wfaulk, A ladle is a container used to move liquid steel around a steelworks; typically, it will hold about 300 tons. I'm working on a mathematical model of the temperatures involved, as we …
2017年3月22日 · snopes.com discusses an (obviously untrue) urban myth about cats smothering new born babies, so cat is in the cradle may be a reference to that old wives tale, with the …
2012年5月16日 · Before toilet paper and Sears catalogs, there was a wooden spatula called the stick.If you were in the outhouse after dark and you had to find the stick in the dark, you had a …