2017年4月13日 · TP 525-8-2 describes a future Army learning environment that meets the need to develop adaptable, thinking Soldiers and Army civilians with the learning competencies to generate and sustain...
Chapter 1 of the Army Learning Concept for 2030-2040 describes this pamphlet’s purpose as follows: to provide a conceptual framework to build a learning organization that empowers learners to...
Experiential Learning Model (ELM). More precisely, the CGSC Experiential Learning Model. The ELM is based on the work of such prominent educational theorists as John Dewey, David Kolb, Jean...
evaluation, job aids, and graphic training aids, training support packages, and management of training and education products. This guidance incorporates the concepts and paradigms outlined in...
2016年3月8日 · ALM has two main themes. The first theme seeks to increase the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of face-to-face learning experiences. The second theme seeks to extend learning beyond...
The OET team is proficient in creating visually appealing graphics and illustrations to enhance learning and engagement. Our graphic design capabilities support the Army Doctrine's emphasis...
The Army Learning Model (ALM) supports a student-centered approach to training and education, in which Soldiers are given greater responsibility for their own personal and professional development (Department of the Army, Training and Doctrine Command, 2011).
Communicates the value of learning, new ideas and open dialogue across all levels of the organization. Recognizes and rewards initiatives to generate and share new knowledge. …
Army Learning Model. The pamphlet emphasizes “the need for a new learn-ing model . . . to develop adaptive, thinking Soldiers and leaders” who can “operate under conditions of...